October signals the end of the sampling season for most of our funded groups. We are so appreciative of all the hard work that our volunteers put into protecting our waters. Citizen-led watershed groups greatly increase the capacity of water quality monitoring in our state. If you are interested in strengthening the scientific capacity of your group, MMW offers two different types of financial support. Each year volunteer water quality monitoring groups can apply for a maximum of $7,000 in laboratory analyses funding, and up to $1,500 available every 3 years in gear funding.
The main components of our program include assistance with designing monitoring plans, writing Sampling and Analysis Plans, selecting standard operating procedures, funding for laboratory analyses and gear, on the ground training in methodologies, and assistance with data analysis. To be eligible for support from MMW citizen-led watershed groups must be monitoring or plan to start monitoring freshwater in Montana. Groups must also complete a SAP and SOP, sign a MOU with FLBS’s MMW program, and complete a short annual report.
We recommend that groups turn in a draft SAP by February 1st to have an approved SAP on file by the funding application deadline. On February 28th data from the previous year must be uploaded to the MT-DEQ database by February 28th. A short final report must be submitted to MMW by February 28th as well. Funding applications are due for the MMW Laboratory Analyses Funding and MMW Gear Funding on March 1st. Priority will be given to groups that have a completed SAP on file at the time of submission. To get started groups should first contact the MMW program (mmw@flbs.umt.edu or 406-872-4518) to discuss their needs. MMW is here to answer whatever questions groups may have!