Understanding the Impact of Invasive Species
Understanding the Impact of Invasive Species
New study by UM Biological Station and USGS researchers reveals how invasive species affect native food webs
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Post-Doc Profile: Lauren Koenig
Post-Doc Profile: Lauren Koenig
Ted Smith Environmental Storytelling Intern Lena Beck joins FLBS Researcher Lauren Koenig on her journey to understand the resilience of rivers
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FLBS Hosts Virtual OBFS Annual Meeting
FLBS Hosts Virtual OBFS Annual Meeting
FLBS hosts virtual OBFS Annual Meeting for second year in a row.
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The History of Art and Science at FLBS
The History of Art and Science at FLBS
Art and science share a significant and interwoven relationship that spans FLBS history and continues to this day.
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Human Impact on Backcountry Water Quality
Human Impact on Backcountry Water Quality
FLBS researchers combine traditional assays and emerging microbial source tracking to assess human impact in backcountry water sources
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