MMW Group Spotlight: KWA

MMW Group Spotlight: KWA

The Kootenai Watershed Allies (KWA) is a newly formed group for the 2022 monitoring season. Since January MMW has been collaborating with the owners of Kootenai Canyon Anglers, a fly-fishing outfitter from Troy Montana, to help them start a monitoring program. Kootenai Canyon Anglers offers guided trips in the Kootenai watershed in NW Montana and Idaho and they are concerned about water quality in the area. A need to monitor tributaries in the Kootenai watershed was identified to provide more data in the overall effort to address selenium entering the Kootenai system from mining in British Columbia. KWA is interested in measuring selenium and nutrient concentrations in tributaries throughout the watershed. The group monitored 15 tributaries of Lake Koocanusa, and 15 tributaries of the Kootenai River in 2022. MMW is excited to be assisting the group with training and funding to conduct this monitoring. As fly-fishing guides, KWA understands the importance of having healthy watersheds. Healthy watersheds have good water quality that support healthy populations of fish whereas polluted watersheds often have less abundant or less diverse populations. This group offers a unique perspective in citizen science as they rely on water resources for their livelihood. MMW is glad to support the work of the Kootenai Watershed Allies and learn more about the water quality of the tributaries.  Check out the MMW Story-Map detailing KWA’s 2022 monitoring season.


