MMW Group Spotlight: CRC

MMW Group Spotlight: CRC

Another group funded by MMW in 2021 and again in 2022 is the Clearwater Resource Council. This group focuses on the Clearwater watershed in the Seely Lake region. The Clearwater Resource Council monitors water quality in the Clearwater chain of lakes for the benefit of the environment and the local community members. In addition to this monitoring, the Clearwater Resource Council also improves water quality by working with individual property owners to collaborate on land management issues. Another issue impacting aquatic ecosystems in Montana is Aquatic Invasive Species, also known as AIS. The Clearwater Resource Council has started an AIS program to monitor for invasive species, which pose a big threat to the native species in Montana. They have worked to collect samples, provide AIS education, and remove these harmful species when present. The Clearwater Resource council works on terrestrial projects as well, one of which provides fuels management for the surrounding forests by conducting forest fuels assessments. The Southern Crown of the Continent Collaboratives Forest Restoration Project is another project the group is involved with. They collaborate with government, non-governmental organizations, local communities, and universes to work on ecosystem restoration in the region.  Monitoring Montana Waters is happy to provide funding to groups like the Clearwater Resource Council. Their multi-faceted approach to conservation facilitates social and environmental change in western Montana. In 2022 the group is continuing their monitoring efforts on both lakes and streams to obtain baseline data on various nutrients as well as addressing septic leachate and algae blooms. Browse the Clearwater Resource Council  website for more information on their conservation and land management efforts.   
