Graduate in Three Years spending summers at Flathead Lake and Glacier Park

The "Field Ecology" curriculum allows students to earn their undergraduate degree in Biology in as few as three years by taking summer courses at the Bio Station.
Field Ecology option coursework includes: Field Ecology, Landscape Ecology, Conservation Ecology, Seminars in Ecology and Resource Management, and any 2 of 3 aquatic emphasis courses
or two terrestrial emphasis courses for a total of 18 credits.
BIOE 342 – Field Ecology (5 cr) (or campus based BIOE 370/371)
BIOE 440 – Conservation Ecology (3 cr)
BIOE 451 – Landscape Ecology (3 cr)
BIOB 494 – Seminars in Ecology and Resource Management (1 cr)
Aquatic emphasis (any two below)
BIOE 439 – Stream Ecology (3 cr)
BIOE 453 – Lake Ecology (3 cr)
BIOE 400 – Aquatic Microbial Ecology (3 cr)
Terrestrial emphasis (both below)
BIOE 416 - Alpine Ecology (3 cr)
BIOE 458 - Forest Ecology (3 cr)
Additional Field Ecology degree requirements and courses may be completed on the main UM campus.
For more information, visit the
UM-DBS Field Ecology program page.