Spring is here, time to train!

Spring is here, time to train!

Spring has arrived in Montana which means that groups funded in 2022 are starting to monitor their local watersheds. To ensure that all funded groups take quality samples, MMW provides training in the field. Thus far, MMW has trained the Kootenai Watershed Allies and the Students in Action groups in 2022. The Kootenai Watershed Allies training went well. We went over site selection and collection of unfiltered grab samples. For this type of sampling you just have to step into the stream, find a spot with moving and well mixed water, rinse the bottle and cap three times and then submerge the bottle to fill it with the final sample. We enjoyed getting to know the KWA team in person. A handshake feels much more personal than an email (or a zoom call). The Students in Action training involved training a group of high schoolers on taking filtered and unfiltered grab samples. Myself (Claire) and another BSWC member, Amanda Zelnis, gave a presentation on MMW, the Freshwater Research Lab, and the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for the monitoring. After that, we went to the monitoring site and did some training and sampling with the students. The students were excited to participate and make a difference in their community. Another moment that could not be captured via an email or phone call!  
