More Trainings!

More Trainings!

June was a busy month for the MMW team with sampling and training fully underway, as well as the arrival of the summer interns to FLBS. During the month of June, the MMW team, joined by Bucknell intern Anna Brown, went down to Hamilton to train The Bitterroot River Protection Association and the many volunteers that are a part of sampling the Bitterroot and its tributaries. On this cloudy day Rachel explained the importance of different analytes, what the effects of different nutrients would have on the river, and what you might want to look for if you’re worried about different problems in the watershed. The members had compiled and summarized the data they collected from the last three years of baseline sampling, and we were able to talk about the variation that was seen year to year or month to month. We also had each of the twelve members of the group practice sampling for unfiltered and filtered samples, as well as discuss the importance and procedures for field blanks, duplicates, and the COC form. MMW has been working with BRPA for three years and they are off to another great start for the 2023 season. It was great to meet the many passionate people behind BRPA that want to help understand the changes and challenges that face the Bitterroot to help keep the waters of Montana as pristine and clean as they have been in years past.
