Hannah Gerhard

Hannah Gerhard

Summer Session Program Manager

Hannah Gerhard

Phone: (406) 872-4515
Email: hannah.gerhard@flbs.umt.edu

Hannah Gerhard is the Summer Session Program Manager for the Flathead Lake Biological Station. In this role, Hannah supports undergraduate/graduate courses that emphasize experiential learning through direct field-based observation and hands-on use of advanced research tools.  


Hannah is from Pleasanton, California and moved to Montana to pursue a degree in parks and recreation at the University of Montana. After graduation, she worked four seasons at Glacier National Park. 


In her spare time, Hannah enjoys kayaking, paddle boarding, hiking, camping, reading, and finding the perfect place to hammock.  



  • BS in Parks Tourism and Recreation Management, 2017, University of Montana 
  • Minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, 2017, University of Montana 