FLBS Public Data Portal

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Data Terms of Use

The Flathead Lake Biological Station (FLBS) Flathead Lake long-term dataset includes data collected from Flathead Lake and its associated tributaries. It is one of the oldest, contiguous datasets of a large, freshwater lake in the world.

This dataset is used daily by researchers at the FLBS and is continually growing. While every attempt is made to ensure the quality, consistency, and completeness of the data, occasional discrepancies are discovered requiring correction. We note such changes whenever possible, but we do not notify previous data users.

Per NSF policy, the most recent two years of data is embargoed for internal FLBS use only. The dataset is refreshed every January to include new data.

In order to download this data, we ask several things of you:

  1. Data downloaded from this website is available for registered users only and will be used solely by you.
  2. Use of this dataset for personal projects or in publication will be accompanied by an attribution noting FLBS as the source of the data.
    e.g. Flathead Lake Biological Station, University of Montana, et al. 2016. Flathead Lake longterm dataset, http://flbs.umt.edu/publicdata
  3. You agree to provide your most recent contact information whenever you download data from this site.

The interface, data and metadata on this site are independently derived scientific research. Data are provided "as-is", without express or implied warranty. FLBS shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the use of these data. While FLBS attempts to ensure the accuracy of all data provided, it makes no warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose and accepts no liability with respect to the data or its use.


By checking this box, I accept the terms of the FLBS data use policy.