MMW - Sampling and Analysis Plan

Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP)

A Sampling and Analysis Plan or SAP, is a document that describes all the details needed for a successful monitoring program. Citizen-led watershed groups are required to complete and submit a SAP for approval in order to receive funding support from MMW. MMW is able to assist groups in completing SAPs and can help groups design their study. We provide a SAP Template that is very similar to the MT DEQ SAP Template. In order to receive funding we will accept approved SAPs that use the MMW SAP Template, or SAPs that have already been approved by MT DEQ.

A SAP includes many components:

Introduction (project overview, project area overview, project team and responsibilities)

Objectives and Sampling Design (goals and objectives, monitoring locations, monitoring schedule, water quality parameters)

Field Procedures (needed gear, order of operations, field forms, data collection standard operating procedures)

Laboratory Analytical Requirements

Quality Assurance/Quality Control (overview, training, samples, instrument calibration, field health and safety)

Data Management, Recording Keeping and Reporting (FLBS database, MT DEQ MT-eWQX database)

Data Analysis and Reporting


Project Budget

Field Forms 